The Marula Fruit

The Marula fruit is an ancient, traditional fruit that grows in large parts of Southern Africa. Used for its nutritional benefits as far back as 10,000 years B.C., this African treasure provided vitamins and minerals in its fruit and nut to ancient cultures. However, today the entire fruit is used for producing fruit pulp, alcohol-based commercial and household products, cosmetic oil, biochar and activated carbon, household and commercial vinegar, animal feed from the skins, pulp and seed oil cake, and nuts for the food industry. 

Marula products are traditional, 100% organic and fair trade commodities. Namibia’s rural communities collect and commercialise these products, which impacts their socio-economic well-being. Above all, commercialisation contributes to bettering the livelihood of the greater surrounding and broader communities. The commercialisation of Marula and other indigenous fruits provides both immediate financial benefit that relieves seasonal poverty as well as providing long-term employment potential for community members. 

Interesting facts about Marula: 

  • Marula trees are dioecious, which means they have a specific gender.
  • The flesh of the fruit contains four times the vitamin c of a single orange. 
  • The cosmetic industry values this oil for its 100% organic, stability, skin penetration and natural properties.
  • Communities in Namibia use the bark of the Marula tree as a prophylactic for malaria.
  • The skin of the Marula fruit is dried and used as a substitute for coffee.
  • The Leaves and Bark of the Marula is widely used to relief heartburn, diarrhoea.


True socio-economic upliftment cannot occur without sustainability. For this reason, SEED has considered the growth potential of both industry and skill for the communities that live side by side with  wild and natural growing indigenous  organic resources. Like a seed that holds within it the potential for future harvests, so the development of skills within Namibia’s rural communities provides both immediate financial benefit that relieves seasonal poverty and long-term employment potential for community members.

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Certifications & Registrations

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